
Meditate Move Magnetize Series 1 Episode 4

I created this series because I noticed a common thread among personal training clients as well as in my wellness + nutrition coaching spaces: this palpable overwhelm about not knowing where to even begin to incorporate mindfulness strategies in their daily lives or how they would find the time to really commit to a frequent/daily wellness practice.

I found that there was an avoidance of even beginning the practice because of the misconceptions about how much time you actually have to commit in order for the time you do spend to “count”.

Every second counts, even if it amounts to one.

Part One
Meditate: Sometimes all we need to affirm ourselves is to start with reaffirming ourselves. In this guided meditation, I offer affirmations and a guided meditation that create space for you to affirm yourself and show up for stillness, even if it is brief. Typically less than 5 minutes per meditation session.
Reminder: There’s no wrong way to meditate.

Part Two
Move: I guide you through a series of 2-3 sets of movement exercises—with modifications— that allow you to connect with your body and its innate strength without requiring a significant amount of external resources, including time.
Reminder: There’s no requirement for the number of sets or repetitions that you do for it to “count”.

Part Three
Magnetize: where you are given a journaling prompt that you can spend as much time as you want.

I chose this format for this series because it allows you to give yourself those moments without threatening your schedule.

Each video can really be watched in three separate sessions if you choose to gently ease yourself into mindfulness practices.


Introduction to MMM: Series One, Episode One (FULL)